About NRI

About NRI Industrial Sales

At NRI, our mission is to promote the growth of a sustainable and efficient global industrial supply chain.

As a stocking global distributor of over 1 million hard-to-find industrial parts, we help system integrators and suppliers mitigate unforeseen part shortages and extended lead times. Our long-time industrial asset recovery partnerships with tier 1 enterprises from various sectors have enabled us to become a sustainable global source of highly sought-after new, used, and obsolete industrial parts, equipment, and machinery.

Our customers continue to leverage our marketplace for over 15 years to reduce downtime and keep the manufacturing world turning.

Our Numbers

Our Facilities


2000 Argentia Road, Plaza 5, Suite 406
Mississauga, ON
Canada L5N 1W1

US-North East Distribution Centre

6401 Rogers Road
Delta, Ohio
United States 43515

US-South West Distribution Centre

4901 Rockaway Blvd NE
Building G
Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87124

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